Reasons to be Catholic

Cale responds to a recent article from a prominent Protestant group that gave reasons to not be Catholic. Issues addressed: beauty, clarity, and unity.
Link to article on the conversion of Mark Galli, former editor of evangelical magazine Christianity Today, into the Catholic Church:
Also discussed: Archbishop Chaput’s article in First Things magazine on recent SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett:

Cale Clarke is the host of both The Cale Clarke Show and The Faith Explained on Relevant Radio. On The Faith Explained, Cale dives deep into Scriptures, the Catechism and Sacred Tradition to bring an in-depth look at what the Catholic Church Believes. On the Cale Clarke Show, Cale unpacks how a Catholic perspective affects the nitty-gritty of everyday life. He also looks at what's happening in the culture through a Catholic Lens.