I remember how the crowds rejoiced and cheered when the helicopter carrying St. John Paul II approached the stadium.
Hi, this is Fr. Rocky with another Advent Inspiration.
It was World Youth Day in Denver in 1993, and Mile High Stadium was overflowing with young people. Suddenly, on the far side of the stadium, the pope’s helicopter appeared and the crowd roared with rejoicing. But we still had to wait a little time until the Pope actually appeared in the stadium.
That’s what the Third Sunday of Advent is like. We call it “Gaudete Sunday” because we rejoice that Christ is about to be here. But we still have to wait a week or so. That final week of preparation is really important: we still have time to go to Confession, to put up the Christmas decorations, to give alms to the poor, or help decorate your Church.
Christmas day will soon be here. Jesus Christ is coming. How will you prepare?
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