The Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity: January 18-25
The Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity begins this Saturday, January 18th and Fr. James Kubicki joined Morning Air to highlight the importance of this week for all Christians. Fr. Rocky encourages and invites you to listen to this short segment in preparation of the Octave: CHAIR OF UNITY OCTAVE PRAYER In the Name of... Continue reading→
Build a Habit of Prayer with the 21-Day Rosary Challenge!
Do you long to build a habit of prayer but find it hard to stay consistent amidst life’s busyness? You’re not alone! Finding time for prayer in today’s fast-paced world can be a challenge, but with a little guidance and a supportive community, you can make prayer a joyful and transformative part of your daily... Continue reading→
When God Tells Us No, Not Yet, or Not Now
If you have kids, you’ve probably (and hopefully) had to deal with saying no to your kids at some point in their lives. And if you don’t have kids, you must remember when you were a kid yourself and your parents had to tell you no. In the moment, the child in the situation rarely... Continue reading→
Is My Sin Unforgivable?
“I’ve been a long-time listener, and I’m struggling with faith and belief in God, and I have no sense of His presence or love for me. And I feel angry and abandoned and like I’m being punished by Him.” That was Erin, a listener of The Patrick Madrid Show from La Habra, CA who called in... Continue reading→
Practicing True Christian Charity
God could have come to us in a blazing chariot flanked by light, laurels, and lavish luxury. He could have chosen to be born to a king and queen or another form of royalty. He could have chosen to become a man with status, wealth, and power. Any number of outstanding traits could have... Continue reading→
St. Charles Borromeo on The Season of Advent
NOTE: This pastoral letter (Acta Ecclesiae Mediolanensis, t. 2, Lugduni, 1683, 916-917) was taken from a reading in iBreviary, also available as an app. Beloved, now is the acceptable time spoken of by the Spirit, the day of salvation, peace and reconciliation: the great season of Advent. This is the time eagerly awaited by the... Continue reading→
Thanking Christ the King
This year we made November a special month of thanksgiving, thanking God for all those who have gone before us and who have impacted our lives, celebrating All Saints and All Souls Day. Then we thanked God for the many the living who, in quiet or profound ways, have accompanied, shaped, and helped us grow.... Continue reading→
Thanking God for his Channels of Grace
November should be a month and season of thanksgiving that culminates on Thanksgiving Day. We are grateful to God for those saints and sinners who are now with our Lord and who have enriched our lives. We wouldn’t be here without them. We also should be grateful to God for the various family, friends, fellow... Continue reading→
Day 9 of Holy Souls Novena: The Last Things: Heaven
Before my assignment at Relevant Radio, I did youth ministry – broadly speaking – for thirty-three years. Among other things, I served as Chaplain of Embers Elementary School in the Chicago area; and one day, speaking to second graders about just how wonderful heaven will be – the joy, the wonder, Jesus, Mary and Joseph,...
Day 8 of Holy Souls Novena: Why are the Souls in Purgatory “poor”?
There are just two days left in our Novena for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Every day I have been sending you these brief articles on these themes because the more you know about your Faith, the more you will love it, and the more likely you will be to practice it. Every day we have... Continue reading→
Day 7 of Holy Souls Novena: The Last Things: Hell
If you thought death and taxes were unpleasant topics, just try thinking about hell. Is hell for real? Yes, it is, because Jesus told us about it many times in the New Testament. Who is in hell? The souls of the damned, that is, Lucifer and his minions. Other than that, we don’t know for... Continue reading→
Preparing for Christmas: Following the Example of the Three Kings
Advent is a season of anticipation, a sacred time when we prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ at Christmas. As the world around us rushes into materialistic pursuits, the Church invites us to slow down, reflect, and enter into a time of waiting and preparation. Through prayer, reflection, and acts of kindness, Advent... Continue reading→