Day 28: Vessel of Honor, Pray for Us!


On the mantle in the living room over the fireplace in the home I grew up in, we placed items of honor for all to see: a picture of my grandparents on their wedding day; my brother’s diploma from Medical School; an antique clock; a crystal vase; a statue of the Blessed Mother and a statute of the Infant Child of Prague. It is good for us to honor Our Lady, but how? Just as you would honor your own mother.  

The same way you would honor your own mother, remember her on her birthday. Bring her flowers. Sing to her or keep a vigil light burning before her image. Write a poem for her … I even know a youngster who brought her a box of chocolates. When he returned the next day and discovered they were still there, he ate them, right in front of the statue of the Blessed Mother. And then, he says, she smiled at him.  

Mary, Vessel of Honor, pray for the Church and the Nation.

On Mondays we pray the Joyful Mysteries.


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Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, "Fr. Rocky" is the Executive Director/CEO of Relevant Radio and a priest of Opus Dei.