“How Can I Be Devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus?” (The Inner Life with Patrick Conley)

June isn’t just any month—it’s all about the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with a feast day this Friday. Fr. James Kubicki, who’s a spiritual director at St. Francis de Sales Seminary, broke down why this devotion is such a big deal. Get the entire episode here!

What’s Devotion Anyway?

Fr. Kubicki explained that devotion is like having a deep, personal bond with someone or something. For Catholics, devotions help us grow closer to Jesus. The devotion to the Sacred Heart is all about wanting to know and love Jesus more.

💖 Why the Heart?

Hearts are the ultimate love symbol. The Sacred Heart of Jesus takes this to another level, showing Jesus’ deep love for all of us. It’s about His compassion, courage, and endless love.

🌟 The Story of St. Margaret Mary

Fr. Kubicki told the story of Jesus appearing to St. Margaret Mary in the 1600s with His heart on fire and outside His body. This shows His love is so huge, He can’t keep it inside. A kid once nailed it, saying, “He loves us so much, He cannot keep that heart inside.”

🩸 The Gospel Reading for the Feast

This Friday’s Gospel from John 19 talks about Jesus’ side being pierced and blood and water flowing out—symbols of baptism and the Eucharist. This shows that the Church and our spiritual lives come straight from Jesus’ heart, showing His endless love and sacrifice.

How are you going to celebrate the Sacred Heart this month? Whether it’s through prayer, going to Mass, or just spreading some love with someone in need, let the Sacred Heart inspire you to open up to Jesus’ awe-inspiring love. ❤️✨

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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.