“Mom, Your Kids Need You” (The Patrick Madrid Show)

Listen to the full hour for a heartfelt exploration of the sacrifices and emotional challenges faced by families navigating work and home life. 🎙️💬

“Lonely Without Mom: Martha’s Teenage Tale of an Empty House”

Patrick Madrid talks to Martha, a mother from Santa Fe, New Mexico, who shares her emotional journey from her teenage years when her mom went back to work. Martha’s story sheds light on the often-overlooked emotional struggles children face when parents are absent due to work commitments.

🌟 Martha’s Story 🌟

Martha, one of seven children, recalls how her mother decided to return to work when Martha was 14 to support the family and prepare for college expenses. With the house bustling with younger siblings and a father busy with work, Martha and her older siblings had to shoulder household responsibilities, including starting dinner and managing chores. Despite the busyness, Martha felt a deep, pervasive loneliness.

💔 Missing Mom 💔

Martha reveals that her main struggle wasn’t the added chores but the absence of her mother’s presence. As a teenager dealing with typical adolescent issues—new boyfriends, school challenges, and friendship dramas—Martha found herself longing for her mother’s guidance. Instead, she turned to her peers, seeking advice from other teenagers, which she now recognizes was not the best idea.

🗣️ Unspoken Feelings 🗣️

Patrick asks Martha if she ever communicated her feelings to her mother. Martha admits she never did, fearing it would seem ungrateful and only add to her mother’s burdens. Her mother was always busy, and conversations about Martha’s emotional needs never took place. Reflecting on it now, Martha believes she would have voiced her feelings if she could go back.

👩‍👧 Impact on Motherhood 👩‍👧

Martha’s experiences really influenced her approach to motherhood. She chose to stay home with her children, ensuring she was always there for them when they returned from school. Her commitment stems from her belief that children, regardless of their age, need their mother’s presence and attention to feel secure and loved.

💡 Advice for Young Moms 💡

When asked for advice for young mothers balancing work and family, Martha emphasizes the irreplaceable value of a mother’s presence. She adds that even the smallest gestures and interactions are crucial for a child’s emotional development and well-being. Martha passionately argues that children need their parents’ involvement until they are truly ready to be independent.

You’ll hear a sadness in this story that Martha shares, but you can use her testimony to influence the way you look at your calling as a parent. How will you respond?

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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.