Dawn Eden was born in a Jewish household and lost her faith as a teenager. She worked at the New York Post and went through a deep conversion to Catholicism through her discovery of the Communion of Saints. Eden joined John Harper to talk about her conversion to the Catholic Faith and how the saints led her on the way home.
“I had been baptized at the age of 31 and for about five years had been ‘church shopping’ for the church that was right for me. And in this time I had drawn closer to Catholics because of what I now realize was the grace of my baptism. Always if we follow that grace, it will lead us to the heart of the Catholic Church,” said Eden.
“I was becoming more drawn to pro-life causes and I was working at the New York Post as a copy editor. And I was given a story to copy edit that I thought was very biased against life. I took it upon myself to correct that bias…I thought I could not get caught by making these unauthorized changes, but I got caught and they were going to fire me. I was distressed because I thought this would mean I would never work in journalism again…so I thought to myself, ‘I need a friend in heaven,’” said Eden.
She turned to Saint Maximilian Kolbe, patron of journalists. As a protestant at that time, Eden considered turning to the saints as idolatry, something that would pull her away from God. However, after reading St. Maximilian Kolbe’s story in her cubicle at the New York Post, she broke down in tears and said, “Dear Saint Maximilian, I’m in trouble, I’m about to be fired. Please pray for me.”
“I felt this rush of consolation that could only have come from heaven because there was no logical reason why, being full of distress, I should suddenly feel like I was at the eye in the middle of the storm, feeling this peace of Christ,” said Eden.
At that moment, she realized that “we can just pray to God and He hears us, but God wants us to also ask the saints’ help because He wants us all to be one in Him…the saints are God’s instruments to lead us to union with everyone in Him. Once I realized that, I knew I had to be where the saints were, in the heart of the Catholic Church. That’s when I made the decision to become Catholic.”