The Relevant Radio® Family Rosary Across America begins tonight at 8pm ET / 5pm PT. This is the first LIVE and interactive rosary prayed at the same time across the entire country. Fr. Dave Heney will lead the rosary LIVE from Los Angeles and listeners will have the opportunity to call in their prayer requests to be prayed for during the LIVE broadcast. Prayer intentions can be shared by calling 888-919-9149 during the show or by emailing
“Relevant Radio is truly thrilled that we can now bring the entire country together on a daily basis to pray the rosary as a family. To our knowledge, this has never happened before, and we are full of hope that this pious devotion will bring many graces to our families, listeners, Church and country,” said Rev. Francis Hoffman “Fr. Rocky”, Executive Director.
“Imagine your joy as you hear people praying for your intentions, and your joy knowing that your prayers are helping others in our family of faith who are in need! Imagine people all across America joining their voices together in the rosary at the same time. Join your voice with them in this live rosary broadcast,” said host Fr. Dave, pastor of St. Bruno Catholic Church in Whittier, CA, and founder of “The University Series”.
We look forward to joining you in prayer with the Family Rosary Across America, heard LIVE from Los Angeles to New York, Monday through Friday at 8pm ET / 5pm PT.
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