Relevant Radio was honored by the St. Vincent de Paul Society’s Los Angeles Council on May 23rd, during its ‘Mardi Gras in May’ Benefit Dinner and Awards Ceremony.
St. Vincent de Paul Society is an international, Catholic volunteer organization that serves the needy of any religious background free of charge. The Los Angeles Council helps the needy become self-sufficient by providing financial and emotional support, food, clothing, furniture, appliances, housing and by connecting the disadvantaged to helpful resources in Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.

The Los Angeles Council honored Relevant Radio with the St. Vincent de Paul Award, in appreciation for sharing the work of the St. Vincent de Paul Society through Public Service Announcements on KHJ 930 AM. These Public Service Announcements have highlighted the needs of those living in the Los Angeles area, and how the St. Vincent de Paul Society is helping to fill those needs. Roma Downey, of Touched By An Angel fame, even lent her voice to one of the St. Vincent de Paul Public Service Announcements.
Rev. Francis Hoffman, “Father Rocky,” Executive Director of Relevant Radio, attended the event and accepted the St. Vincent de Paul Award on behalf of Relevant Radio.
The ‘Mardi Gras in May’ event included Mass celebrated by Most Rev. Edward Wm. Clark, Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles, and raised funds to re-open the Circle V Ranch Camp, which was destroyed by the Whittier Fire in 2017. Find out more about the work the St. Vincent de Paul Society’s Los Angeles Council is doing at their web site or by following them on social media.