Day 17: Mother of Our Savior, Pray for Us!

When I think of this title, I imagine Our Blessed Mother standing at the foot of the Cross as Jesus is dying for us and saving the world.  And I am grateful for Our Lady’s loyal love for her son, and ask her that I may never be afraid to stand up for him and give witness like her.

St. John Henry Newman, canonized a year ago, explains that Jesus “Our Lord, because He was a Saviour, was a warrior. He could not deliver the captives without a fight, nor without personal suffering.”

“Lord, Save Me!” St. Peter cried out in the dark windy night as he began to sink into the terrifying waters of the Sea of Galilee.  “Save me, Lord!” we all cry out when we come face to face with our weakness and sinfulness. Only Jesus can save us. And being the obedient Son, He does so immediately when His Mother asks Him to help us.

Mother of Our Savior, pray for the Church and our Nation.

On Thursdays we pray the Luminous Mysteries.


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Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, "Fr. Rocky" is the Executive Director/CEO of Relevant Radio and a priest of Opus Dei.