Fr. Michael McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus, will be beatified on Saturday, October 31, 2020, at 11am ET at Saint Joseph’s Cathedral in Hartford, Connecticut. Tune in to hear the Beatification Mass broadcast at 10am CT across the Relevant Radio network, on and the mobile app.
Michael McGivney was born in Waterbury, Connecticut in 1852, the first son of Irish immigrants. He left home at age 16 to enter the seminary, a dream that was nearly derailed four years later with the death of his father. Thankfully the bishop of Hartford saw his potential and provided financial support for him to continue his studies. Fr. McGivney was ordained to the priesthood on December 22, 1877.

Fr. McGivney was beloved as a parish priest, and cared deeply for the faith of his parishioners and sought to build up holy families. He had a strong desire to provide support for laymen in their vocations, and founded the Knights of Columbus in 1882. The Knights attended to the spiritual needs of Catholic men and also provided financial support for their families when they died during a time when the death of a breadwinner meant financial hardship and families being torn apart. After the fraternal organization had a firm beginning and good leadership, Fr. McGivney served as the supreme chaplain.
Before long, the Knights of Columbus grew outside of Connecticut and now are comprised of nearly two million members making up almost 16,000 councils across the world. They remain committed to their founding principles: charity, unity, and fraternity.
Fr. Michael McGivney became ill during the 1889 pandemic and died from pneumonia at the young age of 38. His legacy has grown and touched the lives of many Catholic men, helping them to be strong and faithful fathers and husbands. His work also protected their families, the widows and orphans they left behind.
Join Relevant Radio in celebrating the beatification of Fr. Michael McGivney on October 31 at 10am CT.