You have been instrumental in keeping this mission going, and so I like to keep you updated on all the great things happening at Relevant Radio.
Our new headquarters in Lincolnshire is truly a gift from God – and St. Joseph! We are working hard on renovation plans to build out our radio and engineering studios and a chapel. Things are moving along, and we hope to begin construction in July. God is good!
Here are some other good things we were able to accomplish this month:
- Our Divine Mercy book promotion was a huge hit with nearly 100,000 copies distributed – thanks to Drew Mariani and his passion for spreading this devotion. Many participated in the special Live Mass and Chaplet on Divine Mercy Sunday as well. This overwhelming response by our listeners is sure to please Our Lord and glorify His Mercy!
- Our Lenten Lessons series had its biggest response yet, with 130,000 people signing up to receive my daily video lessons on the Mass. In all, the campaign had over 2.3 million email opens and one million video views – isn’t that something! It’s wonderful that so many of you desire to know the Mass better so that you can truly appreciate Our Lord’s daily sacrifice.
- Many of you also participated in the Holy Week Mission series to enter more deeply into the mysteries of Holy Week and all the events surrounding Jesus’ Passion and Death. And because you took the time to meditate on what He suffered, I bet your Easter was more joyful too!
Looking ahead to May, we have several opportunities to honor our Mother!
- A really great way to honor Our Lady is the Walk to Mary on Saturday, May 1. I will be there along with many of our Relevant Radio associates. I hope to see you there!
- Our Lady of Fatima, whose feast we celebrate on May 13, asked that we pray the rosary daily for peace. So as a special way to honor Mary this month, I invite you to join me in prayer during the Family Rosary Across America every evening at 7pm CT. Together, let us pray for God’s peace to grow in our hearts, in our families, and in our nation.
- And don’t forget your own mother! Mother’s Day is May 9. Consider making a donation to Relevant Radio in her honor. We prepared a Mother’s Day gift certificate just for you!
As always, thank you for helping us bring Christ to the world. This is His mission, and He is grateful!
With prayers and best wishes,