Father Simon Says June 8th-Glory, Truth and Salt

Daily Bible Study-Fr. Simon talks about glory and truth, and how we’re not following the 613 laws and commandments anymore.  Also, how we’re sealed with the Holy Spirit now. Fr. Simon also talks about the Salt of the Earth and the significance of Salt.

Fr. Simon answers letters about Euthanasia, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Father

Word of the Day-Face

Caller Question-Who is Melchizedek?

Caller Question-Did St. Joseph go visit Elizabeth with Mary?

Father Richard Simon, who jokingly refers to himself as Reverend Know-it-All is the host of Fr. Simon Says on Relevant Radio. Father Simon delves into the daily Scripture readings, shares a Word of the Day to help you sharpen you vocabulary, and opens the phones to your questions about the Faith. After just a few minutes with Father Simon, you might be convinced that he truly does know it all!