The Patrick Madrid Show: June 15, 2021 – Hour 3

  • Patrick talks about a picture showing Jesus on the cross with clown like characters below, depicting why it is so important and vital to not have things that are inappropriate at Mass.
  • Connor – Is St Brigit still considered a saint?
  • Caller – My son is married outside the church. I need more info on RCIA.
  • Randy – Asks Catholics and Protestants if self-love and porn is sinful–both say that porn is bad but the other is not wrong. What’s Patrick’s thought?
  • John – He is worried that a marriage and baptism in his family are not valid.
  • George – What about chastity for men in prison or those who have lost a spouse?
  • David – I am living with my girlfriend; we have children and are not married. How can we fix this ‘living with sin’ situation? Am I in mortal sin?
  • Anonymous – What role does fasting play in overcoming serious sin dealing with chastity.
  • Donna from Phoenix – Why are there two act of contrition prayers?
  • Anonymous – How do I talk to my son about masturbation?
  • Danny – I need practical advice on how to stay chaste.
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.