The Patrick Madrid Show: July 28, 2021 – Hour 1

  • Lee – I work in performing arts at a college. Play about a Lesbian Romance and I will be advertising it for the school. Am I cooperating with evil?
  • Margaret – How do I handle the anger that neighbors have at me for not being vaccinated?
  • Nearly 50% of Americans now say they have less than four “close friendships.” In 1990, just 27% said the same.
  • Marge – What is your opinion of teens getting vaccine?
  • Meg – Because we are living in a cancel culture, I would encourage Margaret to not turn her back on her friends like they did to her. Pray for them and keep the door open.
  • Janet – Natural Family Planning was enormously beneficial for my family (based on the topic on Morning Air)
  • John – I have a niece who is a lesbian and I didn’t go to the ‘wedding.’ I have taken a lot of heat and now don’t know how to react to the fact that she is having twins. What do I do?
  • Burrill’s Resignation and the Surveillance Age: 5 Points to Consider
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.