When God says No

If you have kids, you’ve probably (and hopefully) had to deal with saying no to your kids at some point in their lives. And if you don’t have kids, you must remember when you were a kid yourself and your parents would have to tell you no. In the moment, the child in the situation rarely understands why their parents are denying them this thing that they want, whether it be a piece of cake or a potentially dangerous outing, or permission to turn on the TV. That’s why they commonly respond with, “Why not?”

All the child sees is an authority figure withholding that which they most desire at the moment, not knowing that the parent is doing it out of love. Parents know what’s best for their child because they’ve experienced most of what the child has and will experience. But as the child grows, matures, and develops a more functional brain, they begin to see just what their parent is talking about. Usually, they learn about more issues in the world, and they figure out that there are consequences to their actions, especially if they just do what they want all the time.

That’s the same type of growth we should hope to have with Our Lord in our spiritual lives. As we petition our Father for more and more things, we will see that we aren’t always granted the things that we ask for. So how do we handle the times when God says no? Do we pout like a child or do we realize that God is doing what he does because He loves us and He knows what’s best for us?

Josh Raymond welcomed Father Chris Walsh onto The Inner Life to discuss how we can prepare ourselves to accept God’s plan, even when he says no to our requests and desires.

Father Chris began by recalling that at this past Sunday’s Mass, we opened the Mass by praying that we delight in our adoption as God’s children. What does that mean? And how can we truly delight as His children if we do not accept His love and recognize that He as our Father has a plan for us?

“That’s the whole work of salvation. God draws us to Himself because His will is that we allow ourselves to be adopted, we allow ourselves to be drawn in, and that we behave as God’s children behave.” And that’s not something we have to guess about. We have the perfect example in God the Son, Jesus Christ. He is the supreme role model for obedience and fulfillment of His role in God’s plan.

Josh pointed out that Father Chris used the word “allow” several times, implying that God will not force us to comply with what is good or is the right thing to do. It’s not that God is incapable of doing so, but when He made us, He granted us each free will and intellect. We are charged with using those gifts for His glory.

“When it comes to understanding God’s will, we have our own free will that’s involved here too,” said Josh. “So, we can respond inappropriately. We can go against God’s will. Even though there might be some benefit, or we see something good initially, it really is going to come down to, ‘Do we sacrifice our free will and our desire to do what we want, trusting that God has what is best for us in mind?’”

Many times, we resort to that child-like impulse: “No, I want it and I want it now.” We have a hard time sacrificing our material desires, and an equally hard time waiting for them. Father Chris pointed out that sometimes God says yes, sometimes He says no, and still other times He’s telling us to wait. And how are we going to do that in this age where patience is a lost virtue. Can’t remember their name? Look it up. Need something from the store? Order it and it’ll be delivered to you immediately. Don’t have time for prayer or family? Skip it. Don’t want to wait until marriage? Indulge in your concupiscence.

To be brutally honest, we don’t need all the answers. We aren’t even capable of obtaining them all, so in a way, it can be a very freeing thing to understand that we are subject to God’s will, God’s plan, and sometimes, the decisions of others. Trusting in divine providence will allow us to disassociate ourselves from the things of this world in a healthy way. We can remain unattached to the material possessions and luxuries which hold us back and, in turn, we are much more likely to understand God’s answers to our prayers.

Tune in to The Inner Life on weekdays at 11am CT

John Hanretty serves as a Digital Media Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of the Gupta College of Business at the University of Dallas. Besides being passionate about writing, his hobbies include drawing and digital design. You can read more of his daily articles at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.