Lesson 15: Responsorial Psalm

Jesus prayed these too!

Today’s Lenten Lesson: Responsorial Psalm

It’s right about this point that people get distracted.

After the First Reading, comes the Responsorial Psalm.  And if you were not paying close attention to the First Reading, you will be distracted at this point, and you’ll need to regain your concentration. So grab your missalette and do the response.

Every day we have a Psalm during the readings at Mass, and because the congregation participates in the singing or chanting of the Psalm by repeating a selected phrase, we call this a ‘response’; hence, ‘Responsorial Psalm.’

King David composed many of the Psalms and there are 150 in all. It is remarkable that even though these Psalms were composed thousands of years ago, we see that human nature has not changed during the course of time. The creature hungers for his Creator, repents of his sins, longs for protection and the goodness of the Lord.

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Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, "Fr. Rocky" is the Executive Director/CEO of Relevant Radio and a priest of Opus Dei.