Mass is ended. Now what do we do?
Today’s Lenten Lesson: The Mass is Ended
The Mass is ended, and life begins.
So the Mass is ended. Now what do we do? Having received Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist, we go out into the world to bring Christ to all we meet, through our words and deeds.
At the end of World War II, the Catholic faithful in a small town in Germany set to work to rebuild their parish church, which had been demolished in the war. Little by little, brick by brick, with great love and faith, they rebuilt their beloved church. But when it came to restoring the marble statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the hands of the Lord on the statue of Jesus never looked quite right. So the restoration committee decided to leave the statue without hands, but placed a bronze plaque next to it stating: “Jesus has no hands, except our hands.”
Go in peace.
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