Patrick Confronts the Evils and Confusion of the Trans Agenda (The Patrick Madrid Show)

Is participating in transgender mutilation a mortal sin? Are those who help with the horrific act also in grave danger of hell?

Patrick Madrid gets into this tough topic, thanks to a great question from David in California.

🚦Key Points:

Transitioning Reality Check: Patrick firmly states that true transitioning—changing one’s sex—is impossible. What people call transitioning is actually body mutilation, which is a serious sin because it goes against how God made us.

Is It a Mortal Sin?: Patrick doesn’t claim to be the judge of mortal sins, but he warns that “transitioning” is a grave sin. This is because it denies God’s authority as our Creator, violating natural law.

Who’s Responsible?: Those who help with “transitions”—doctors, counselors, family members—are also committing serious sins. They’re seen as complicit in the act of mutilation, breaking the Fifth Commandment.

Individual Responsibility: Only God can truly judge how responsible someone is, considering factors like mental illness, emotional distress, and outside pressures. While the act is gravely sinful, the individual’s guilt may vary.

Affirming God’s Truth: Patrick and David stress that there are only two genders: male and female. Feelings of being the opposite sex (gender dysphoria) are seen as psychological issues rather than truths about one’s identity.

Tragic Personal Stories: Imagine finding out that one of your family members went through this transgender mutilation, and you didn’t even know! David shares that he found out his nephew, Thomas, now believes he’s a woman. Patrick emphasizes that transitioning often leads to more mental health struggles instead of solving them.

Helpful Resources:

Books: “The Detransition Diaries,” which tells the stories of people who regretted their “transition”.

Websites: Sex Change Regret, where Walt Heyer shares his testimony and offers resources for those reconsidering their choice to have this surgery done.

Passionate Speech: Patrick shares a fiery speech by the Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina, who condemns the transgender movement as against God’s creation and calls Christians to stand firm in their faith.

✝️ Takeaway: Let’s have compassion for those struggling with gender dysphoria while we continue to call for a rejection of this ideological lie.

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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at and on the Relevant Radio® app.