“What Can I Do if the Traditional Latin Mass is Taken Away?” (Special Podcast Highlight)

When Storms Hit: Trust in the Captain! 


In this episode of The Patrick Madrid Show, Patrick addresses a heartfelt dilemma from a devout Catholic listener. She’s torn between her love for the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) and her discomfort with the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) community near her.


Listener’s Dilemma:


Raised Catholic: Deeply committed to her faith.


SSPX Parish Nearby: Feels uneasy about their anti-Pope stance.


Love for TLM: Finds the Traditional Latin Mass profoundly beautiful.


Valid Mass: Believes the new Mass is valid and respects those who attend it.


Deep Dive: Understanding SSPX


If you’re unfamiliar with SSPX, Patrick will tell you more about it and how it came about. The Society of St. Pius X was founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in the mid-20th century. Lefebvre, a French-speaking bishop, was dedicated to the traditional liturgy and established a seminary in Switzerland. He upheld the traditional Latin Mass even after Vatican II introduced the Novus Ordo Mass.


Key Points:


Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre: Missionary work in Africa; founder of SSPX.


SSPX and Vatican II: Opposition to the changes introduced by Vatican II’s Sacrosanctum Concilium.


Consecration Controversy: Lefebvre’s unauthorized consecration of four bishops in 1988 led to excommunication by St. Pope John Paul II.


Current Status: Excommunications lifted by Pope Benedict XVI, but SSPX remains in a complex canonical status. There’s still a lot of confusion, unfortunately.


The Ongoing Debate:


Schism or Not? Canon lawyers and church authorities debate SSPX’s official standing.


Confession Faculties: Pope Francis granted SSPX priests faculties to hear confessions.


Flourishing Independently: Despite the controversies, SSPX has grown with numerous chapels and vocations.


Patrick’s Insights:


Affirming Validity: The new Mass is valid. Even SSPX adherents should recognize this, despite their criticisms.


Current Restrictions: Acknowledge the restrictions on TLM but maintain peace and trust in Jesus.


Biblical Wisdom: Patrick draws a parallel with Mark 4:35-41, where Jesus calms the storm while the apostles panic.


Advice for the Journey:


Stay Calm: Don’t let the fear overwhelm your faith.


Trust in Jesus: He guides the Church through all storms.


Remain Loyal: Stay faithful to the Church and avoid fringe groups.


Pray and Hope: Things will improve with time.


Reflection Passage:

Mark 4:35-41: Reflect on Jesus calming the storm and trust in His leadership through turbulent times.


Inspiring Hymn:


Stabat Mater Dolorosa: A beautiful reminder of standing faithfully at the foot of the cross, just like Our Lady.


Final Encouragement:

Stay the course, remain Catholic, and trust in Jesus. Remember, this is His Church, and He will guide it safely through every storm.

Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.