God Was Mocked at the Olympics, So How Will You Respond? (The Patrick Madrid Show)

Let’s dive into the latest buzz from The Patrick Madrid Show, where Patrick and Cyrus discussed the shocking and deeply disturbing Opening Ceremony of the Paris Olympics. If you were hoping for a celebration of sportsmanship and unity, you might have been in for a rude awakening! 🏅😱 You can get more commentary from Patrick here!

🎥 Unholy Spectacle

Patrick described the ceremony as a “full-scale celebration of evil”—a blasphemous and grotesque display that twisted the iconic imagery of The Last Supper into something unrecognizable and offensive. He warned you: “Don’t watch it. Don’t let your kids watch it.”

🕊️ A Call to Repentance

Bishop Andrew Cozzens, who recently led the National Eucharistic Congress, responded to this debacle with a statement by invoking 2 Chronicles 7:14-15, urging us to humble ourselves, pray, and seek God’s face. He reminded us that prayer and fasting are powerful tools against the darkness of this world.

🌟 Eucharistic Response

At the Congress, tens of thousands gathered to pray for healing and forgiveness. Bishop Cozzens emphasized that when one member of the body of Christ suffers, we all suffer (echoing St. Paul).

Paris in Darkness

Just a week after the Congress, Paris showcased a public mockery of the Mass during the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony. Bishop Andrew Cozzens expressed our shared shock, sorrow, and righteous anger at this blatant disrespect. He reminded us that God turns evil into good, and where sin increases, grace abounds all the more (Romans 5).

🛡️ Stand Firm in Faith

We’re called to respond to such blasphemy with renewed zeal in our faith. Bishop Cozzens urged us to pray and fast, attend Mass more frequently, and perhaps spend more time in front of our Lord in adoration.

👀 Normalize Evil? Not on Our Watch!

Patrick reflected on how such displays are gradually desensitizing us to evil. From the grotesque halftime shows at the Super Bowl to now this Olympic scandal, it’s clear: we must remain vigilant. He encouraged turning off the TV when such content appears and protecting our minds and hearts from these influences.

🗣️ What Can You Do?

As faithful Catholics, Bishop Cozzens and Patrick remind us that it’s our duty to:

Pray and Fast – Offer sacrifices for reparation.

Attend Mass – More often, with deeper devotion.

Speak Out – With love and firmness against these evils.

Live the Faith – Be Eucharistic missionaries in our daily lives.

💪 Inspired by Martyrs

We must stand strong, inspired by those who have gone before us, witnessing to the truth of the Mass even unto death. Let’s not be silent. Let’s be fortified by the Holy Spirit, preaching Christ, our Savior, truly present in the Eucharist.

So, as we gather at the altar, let’s renew our commitment to prayer, fasting, and living out our faith boldly. Let’s make sure the world knows that even though God was mocked, we will not stand for it. 

Feel free to share this powerful message on your social media, and let’s unite in faith and prayer against this tide of blasphemy. 🌍✝️



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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.