Should You Be Friends with Your Kids? (The Inner Life with Patrick Conley)

How do you view the relationship you have with your kids? Do you see them as a friend? Does it bother you when they don’t act friendly towards you?

On today’s episode of The Inner Life, Patrick Conley chats with Fr. John Paul Erickson about a topic that’s close to many of our hearts: Can parents really be friends with their kids?

Here’s the whole hour of the show where they talked about friendship. 

Friendship and Parenting: Fr. Erickson, from St. Paul, Minnesota, shares some real gems about the ups and downs of being both a parent and a friend. He explains that the relationship between parents and children is bound to change over time. When kids are young, things are definitely different than when they’re older.

Personal Story Time: Fr. Erickson gets personal, talking about how he never thought he’d consider his dad a friend when he was a teenager. He was a rocker kid who would’ve laughed at the idea! But now, as an adult, his relationship with his dad is one of his greatest gifts. This transformation, he says, comes down to patience and letting things develop naturally.

Top Tips for Parents:

Be Patient: Let relationships grow at their own pace.

Pray for Wisdom: Ask for guidance on how to love and connect with your kids at different stages.

Timing is Everything: There’s no magic age when things change. It’s all about discernment and knowing your child.

Friendship in Marriage: Fr. Erickson also dives into the idea of friendship in marriage, saying that being friends with your spouse is a game-changer. Without this friendship, married life can feel pretty bleak. But when you put in the effort to deepen your bond, it can make your life together so much richer and more fulfilling.

He praises modern Catholic theology, especially St. John Paul II’s teachings, for highlighting the importance of the mutual good of spouses. Friendship, he says, is a true blessing in marriage.

✨ Key Takeaways:

Growing Together: Parent-child relationships evolve and need time to mature.

Prayerful Connection: Seek divine help in nurturing these relationships.

Spousal Friendship: It’s essential for a strong, happy marriage.

So, the big takeaway from Fr. Erickson? Cherish those family friendships and let them grow naturally and prayerfully. It’s all about patience, love, and divine guidance. 🌟💞

Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at and on the Relevant Radio® app.