What is the Meaning of ‘Eucharist’? (Father Simon Says)

Fr. Richard Simon takes us on a fascinating journey into the meaning behind the word “Eucharist.” 🌟 Ever wondered why we call it that? Well, Fr. Simon has an explanation that’s pretty eye-opening!

The Thanksgiving Sacrifice 

So, here’s something remarkable: the sages of the Talmud—yes, we’re talking ancient Jewish wisdom here—believed that when the Messiah came, all those old sacrifices would be a thing of the past. But one would stick around: the Thanksgiving sacrifice. This special offering was all about gratitude and was given by those who had narrowly escaped death. Picture this: you’ve survived crossing a dangerous sea, trekked through a desert, recovered from a nasty illness, or been freed from prison. What do you do? You offer a Thanksgiving sacrifice, which included a lamb, bread, salt, incense, and wine.

Eucharist = Thanksgiving đź’ť

Now, fast forward to Greek times, where the word for Thanksgiving is ‘Eucharistia.’ Yep, you guessed it—that’s where we get the term Eucharist. It’s all about giving thanks! When we celebrate the Eucharist, we’re participating in a thanksgiving sacrifice that’s steeped in history and gratitude.

The Eucharistic Sacrifice 🕊️🍞

The Eucharist, or Holy Eucharist, isn’t just about communion (which, by the way, means intense union and only happens if we’re in a state of grace). It’s a modern-day version of that ancient Thanksgiving sacrifice, now made perfect by Jesus. Remember the Passover sacrifice with its unleavened bread and wine? That was the official Thanksgiving sacrifice of the year. The bread and wine we use in the Eucharist continue that tradition.

Worthy Reception 

Now, Fr. Simon also gives us a heads-up about receiving the Eucharist worthily. St. Paul had some strong words: taking the Eucharist without recognizing the body of Christ can actually be harmful. So, it’s super important to prepare ourselves and approach the Eucharist with a pure heart, assuring that we’re in the state of grace.

Wrapping It Up ✨

So, there you have it! Fr. Simon’s dive into the word “Eucharist” connects Jewish traditions with our Christian faith, showing how the Eucharist is a powerful thanksgiving sacrifice. It’s a beautiful reminder to always approach it with gratitude and a pure heart.



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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.