Detoxing From Feminism (Trending with Timmerie)

Feminism doesn’t affect you in any way, right? Well, maybe it does, in a sneaky sort of way.

Timmerie recently had a great conversation with Dr. Carrie Gress, author of The End of Woman: How Smashing the Patriarchy Destroyed Us. Together, they explored a critical question: How do we combat modern feminism from within?

You can get more of the conversation here. Not all of it is suitable for sensitive ears, due to the nature of the material being talked about. 

Key Points from the Podcast:

Unmasking Feminism’s Anti-Catholic Roots: Timmerie and Dr. Gress reveal that many feminist icons held anti-Catholic views, with some even dabbling in Satanism, Wicca, and witchcraft. Scary! 😱 Feminism’s stance often clashes with the Church’s teachings on abortion, marriage, and gender. It’s concerning to really consider the impact feminism has had on society, and it affects women in many subtle ways.

Feminism’s Cultural Impact: The influence of feminism permeates our culture, affecting everything from media and education to norms within marriages. It’s everywhere and it’s so hard to get away from! This can really mess up relationships with your spouse and children, promoting a “no-contact” culture devoid of responsibility and connection. 📺📚

The Anti-Mary Exposed: Dr. Gress’ previous works, including The Anti-Mary Exposed, show how the virtues of Our Lady are so different from modern feminist ideals. Our Lady is all about humility, wisdom, and grace—qualities often rejected by contemporary culture. 🌹

Feminism and Family Dynamics: It’s sad how feminism encourages women to treat their husbands like children, making it all about control and dominance. This undermines the natural, respectful partnership intended in marriage. 💔

Looking to Our Lady: Our Lady is the ultimate model for women, embodying virtues that challenge the feminist narrative. She’s the one that women should aspire to be. 🌟

Finding Role Models: Finding modern role models who live out these virtues is key. These women, whether in daily life or historical figures like St. Edith Stein, can guide our society toward a more fulfilling, faith-aligned existence. 🙏

Action Steps:

Reflect on Our Lady’s Virtues: Compare your life and choices to the virtues of Our Lady. Are there areas influenced by feminist ideals that need to change?

Seek Wisdom and Grace: Embrace practices like silent prayer to open yourself to God’s graces, allowing His wisdom to guide your actions and relationships.

Read and Learn: Explore Dr. Gress’ works such as The End of Woman and Theology of Home series to deepen your understanding and find practical ways to integrate these insights into your daily life. 📚

👉 Final Thought: True fulfillment for women lies not in the aggressive, control-driven feminism promoted by modern culture, but in embracing the virtues and wisdom exemplified by Our Lady. Rediscover and champion your God-given identity! 🌸✨

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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at and on the Relevant Radio® app.