How Can We Peacefully Respond to the ‘Ape of the Church’? (The Patrick Madrid Show)

You are called to be a light! Don’t let the bad news in the world and the Church overwhelm you or get you down.

Joe’s Inquiry: Joe from Arlington Heights, Illinois, called in with a really interesting question about Fulton Sheen’s idea of the “Ape of the Church.” He was curious about how we can recognize this deceptive “counter-church” and what actions we, as everyday Catholics, should take if we come across it.

Patrick’s Insightful Response: Patrick Madrid addressed Joe’s question, starting with a fascinating quote from Archbishop Fulton Sheen. Venerable Sheen described the “ape” as Satan’s attempt to mimic the Church. This “counter-church” might look like the real Church on the outside but lacks its divine essence, essentially an imitation meant to deceive.

Prophetic Wisdom:

Pope John Paul II: In a powerful 1976 speech, he spoke about the significant challenge between the Church and the anti-Church. He framed this as a divine trial that tests our faith and values.

Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich: A mystic who received amazing revelations, including the exact location of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s house in Ephesus. Explorers later confirmed her descriptions, showing the depth of her insights. It’s amazing to learn about!

Historical Perspectives:

Pope Leo XIII: He had a vision of internal persecution within the Church by Satan, leading him to compose the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel. Do you pray this prayer often?

Pope Paul VI: In the 1970s, he spoke about the “smoke of Satan”.

A Positive Call to Action: Patrick encouraged you to stay vigilant while maintaining a spirit of hope and trust in Jesus. He reminded us that the Church has faced tough times before and always emerged stronger. Our role is to move forward with faith and courage, trusting in God’s plan.

Final Takeaway: Stay aware, keep the faith, and trust in Jesus. We may live in challenging times, but with hope and courage, we can face any trials ahead. Let’s embrace our journey with positivity and gratitude. Glory to God! 🙏✨

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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at and on the Relevant Radio® app.