“Is it a Mortal Sin to Watch Certain TV Shows?” (The Patrick Madrid Show)

Susan from Sarasota, Florida called in with a burning question: Is watching “The Sopranos” a mortal sin? Here’s the rundown of Patrick Madrid’s response! 🍿

Susan’s Question:

Susan: “Hi Patrick! Is watching ‘The Sopranos’ a venial or mortal sin?”

Patrick’s Initial Thoughts:

Patrick: “Funny thing, Susan, I’ve never seen it, but I hear it’s packed with sexual immorality, murder, and profanity. Sounds intense! Based on that, let’s dive deeper.”

Catechism Insight:

Patrick pulls out the Catechism (para. 1857) to clarify what constitutes a mortal sin:

Grave matter

Full knowledge

Deliberate consent

Key Considerations:

Watching TV itself isn’t evil.

The content you watch matters. Think Mr. Rogers vs. something more explicit.

Avoiding Immorality: If the show glorifies evil or entertains through sin, it’s problematic.

The Real Deal:

Patrick compares The Sopranos with other shows like Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. He admits to watching these but skips problematic scenes. If you’re constantly justifying watching for the sake of learning something, you might be rationalizing.

Conscience Check:

Listen to your conscience. If it bothers you, that’s a sign.

Don’t mute your conscience’s alarm. 🛑

Susan’s Take:

Susan mentions saying a prayer of reparation and trying to avoid bad content actively. Patrick advises:

High standards are important.

You’ll likely regret watching too much harmful content rather than missing out on certain shows.

Final Thoughts:

Patrick advises using your remote control as your ally. If your conscience nudges you, it’s better to err on the side of caution. Stay vigilant and aim for entertainment that aligns with your values.

Thanks for calling, Susan! Keep your faith strong and your conscience clear! ✨🙏

Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.