Learning to Simply Be

It never ceases to amaze me how fast the summer goes by. From emptying everyone’s backpacks to now checking the school supply lists, it seems like only a few weeks have passed. I know it sounds cliché, but time goes by fast! Sometimes I feel like it is an accelerated pace and I am just trying to hold on to each moment and memory with my children before they are adults and out of the house.

While I have tried to think of ways to extend summer, the reality is it is definitely coming to an end. The weather already seems to be changing and many children will be starting school over the next few weeks. At the beginning of summer, we like to make a bucket list with our children. They dream big and small of what they would like to do over their summer break, which never seems to have enough days. I find myself trying to squeeze in and schedule as many activities and outings as possible to help ensure they have the best summer ever.

A few weeks ago, I looked into my living room and saw my children playing so joyfully together. What I have failed to realize is children are content with just being. They don’t need a grand agenda or a list of busy activities. They beautifully teach us to be. To set aside the constant doing and going and to embrace just being. To be with each other, to be in the moment, to be still, and to be present and attentive.

So often in our own prayer lives the same thing happens. We go to God with our own bucket list and agenda of set expectations. Perhaps, finding ourselves doing all of the talking and directing the conversation wanting our prayer time to go according to what we planned. Like young children, Jesus calls us to just be. One of the most beautiful ways to be with Our Lord is in Eucharistic Adoration.

It is in Eucharistic Adoration that Jesus waits for us. He longs for us to sit and to be present with him. There is nothing more we have to do, other than bring ourselves to be in His presence. There our hearts are filled, loved, and transformed. In simply being, we allow Jesus to pour His love into our hearts and to experience a renewal.

SPECIAL PREMIUM $1,200 LEVEL – Relevant Radio & Marytown-Branded Monstrance Triptych

During this Relevant Radio, Answer the Call pledge drive for a donation of $1,200 you will receive a Relevant Radio and Marytown branded Monstrance Triptych. Whether this is displayed in your home or office, it serves as a beautiful reminder to simply be with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.

“The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the best time you will spend on earth. Each moment that you spend with Jesus will deepen your union with Him and make your soul everlastingly more glorious and beautiful in Heaven, and will help bring about everlasting peace on earth.” – St. Teresa of Calcutta

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Cassie Everts serves as Contributing Writer at Relevant Radio. She is a wife, mother, author and speaker. She is the co-author of Nursery of Heaven and blogs at Everyday Ann. She holds degrees in Theology and Communication Arts from Franciscan University of Steubenville.