The Patrick Madrid Show: August 27, 2024-Hour 3

 Patrick in this hour answers numerous questions about the Eucharist, ranging from Eucharistic Ministers to about Communion on the Tongue.

Carlos -I am so thankful to Relevant radio for what you are doing and how you are spreading the truth! Most of the priests here where I live do not want to talk about prolife things. You are doing great work. (0:38)

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Sharlin – How do we address Eucharistic Minsters who are in favor of Abortion? Can I go to them? (5:04)

Fred- I have never seen a priest refuse someone communion. What do you think of that? (9:46)

Rick congratulates Patrick on his daughter’s wedding and asks at what level of sanctity does the Church consider someone in heaven? (21:36)

Steven- Any rules prohibiting priest, for asking questions of sins that have been committed, in the confessional or outside. Like did you vote pro-abortion? (28:02)

Jake- I was at Mass and the Eucharistic minister didn’t know how to give communion on the tongue, but the host fell on the floor. In the future what should I do in that situation. (36:03)

Suzanne- Eucharistic ministers: our parish priest is very busy, I am homebound. I am very thankful with the ministers because they bring me communion on Sundays because I cannot get to Mass. (39:50)

Adriana- why sometimes the priest remains sitting down and allow ministers to distribute communion instead of doing it himself? (42:21)

Rosary- Is the priest has the authority to force all the congregation to receive the Eucharist in the tongue? (44:39)

Helen When visiting a different parish, the person in front of me was denied communion in the mouth. I didn’t know what to do. I am going back to this parish this week. Appreciate your advice on what to do if this happens again. (47:07)

Mary-I saw a St. Vincent de Paul Store with a Gay Pride Flag, what do you think? (49:39)

Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.