Why the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Matters (The Inner Life with Patrick Conley)

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary, but maybe you find yourself confused. What do we truly remember on this day? When you pray the 4th Glorious Mystery, what you should be focusing on? How does the Assumption of Mary apply to your life?

In this podcast episode of The Inner Life, Father Matthew Witter discusses the topic of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Father Matthew brings up several points that we should keep in mind:

Assumption vs. Ascension: The Assumption is different from the Ascension of Jesus. In the Ascension, Jesus ascended into heaven by His own power, while in the Assumption, Mary is believed to have been taken up by God.

Historical and Theological Context: While the dogma of the Assumption was formally declared by Pope Pius XII in 1950, it is rooted in early Church traditions. It is a belief that Mary’s body, which bore and formed the flesh of Jesus, was preserved from decay. Doesn’t this all just make you love Mary even more?

Sinlessness and Connection to Assumption: Mary’s sinlessness is directly linked to the Assumption. Her purity and grace are seen as reasons for her body being assumed into heaven. Her body is likened to the Ark of the Covenant, as she had a unique role in bearing Jesus and the presence of God.

Mary’s Role as the New Ark of the Covenant: In the Old Testament, the Ark of the Covenant held sacred items, and God’s glory was present upon it. Similarly, Mary, as the new Ark, carried Jesus within her, bringing the presence of God wherever she went. It’s amazing to think about, isn’t it?

Spiritual Implications: The Assumption serves as a reminder for you that earthly life is not all there is. We are meant for so much more, and what awaits you will fill you with so much joy! This day encourages you to remember your eternal destiny in heaven and to cultivate a desire for God. It’s so easy to let other distractions get in the way, but let’s keep God as our focus.

So, when you feel weighed down and become tired from life, remember that heaven awaits you. Ask Mary to intercede for the grace of a happy death. She is always there for you!

Check out the entire episode here – The Assumption of Mary – August 15, 2023 – Relevant Radio

Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.