“Don’t Judge!”: Dave Durand Examines Partially True but Misunderstood Values (Morning Air)

“Are We Getting Values Wrong? Here’s What You Need to Know!”

In this Morning Air episode, John Morales chats with Dave Durand, personal success coach and CEO of Leading Giants, about values we often hear growing up—values that seem true but are actually misunderstood. Sounds interesting, right? Let’s break down some of the highlights. They’re worth taking to prayer.

“Don’t Judge”—But Wait, We All Judge 🤔

Dave points out how the phrase “don’t judge” is thrown around a lot, but it’s misunderstood. Yes, we shouldn’t judge someone’s heart—only God can do that—but we still need to make judgments in everyday life! From choosing friends to making big life decisions, judgment is essential. What’s tricky is when people use “don’t judge” as an excuse to allow bad behavior. Bottom line: judging situations and actions is necessary, just leave the heart-judging to God.

“Patience in All Things”—But That Doesn’t Mean Doing Nothing 🕰️

Patience is a virtue, but here’s the twist: it doesn’t mean sitting around waiting for things to magically happen! Dave explains that patience means “suffering well” while you’re actively working toward your goals. So whether you’re trying to lose weight, make more money, or deal with someone’s bad behavior, be patient but keep moving. Patience doesn’t equal inaction!

“Let Others Speak First”—But Not Always 🗣️

You’ve probably heard, “listen more than you talk,” but Dave says this isn’t always practical. Sure, in many situations, listening is important, but sometimes the other person wants you to speak, especially if they need advice. And in certain circumstances, like life-saving decisions, you can’t afford to just listen—you need to act. So yes, listening is great, but don’t take it to extremes.

“Inclusiveness is Best”—Well, Not Always 🤝

Inclusiveness is good… to a point. Dave says, “include as many people as makes sense.” Sometimes, the push for inclusiveness gets manipulated for power or control. He gives a funny example—on Packers Sunday, you’re not inviting Bears fans over! 🏈 The key is knowing when inclusion is helpful and when it’s just being used to blur boundaries.

“Everyone Should Have a Voice”—But Should They? 🗳️

We hear that everyone should have a voice, but Dave challenges this. In situations where someone lacks the knowledge or right to weigh in—like an illegal immigrant voting—it’s not truly “equal” or fair. It’s all about balancing fairness and understanding who actually deserves a say.

Dave’s take? It’s easy for people to manipulate these “partially true” values to control others, especially those who genuinely want to do good. But when we seek the truth, guided by God’s grace, we can see through the confusion and stand firm. 💪

Catch more of Dave’s insights on The Dave Durand Show Saturdays at 1 PM Central on Relevant Radio!

Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.