Are You Prioritizing Your Marriage? (Marriage Unhindered)

It’s ok if your family life is chaotic right now! You’re definitely not alone, so don’t sweat!

In this episode of Marriage Unhindered, Doug Hinderer chats with marriage experts Mike and Alicia Hernon.

They get real about parenting, admitting that all the perfect plans go out the window once you have kids. They emphasize how crucial it is for parents to know that God will always provide the grace they need, and they encourage couples to embrace the messiness with confidence and humility. It’s not about being perfect parents—it’s about growing in holiness together.

A major takeaway? Marriage comes first! 💍🔥 Mike and Alicia stress that the marriage bond isn’t just important—it’s foundational. They explain that the best gift you can give your kids is a healthy, vibrant marriage. Mike even jokes about telling his kids, “If the house is on fire, I’m saving your mother first!” 😂 Prioritizing your spouse and setting aside time for each other, even just 15 minutes a day, can have huge dividends in both your relationship and your family.

They highlight how focusing on the marriage actually benefits the kids—especially through what they call “couple love,” which gives children a sense of security and belonging.

Doug wraps it up by emphasizing that kids have a right to see their parents love each other. And, while life can get crazy, the Hernons stress that marriage is never urgent—until it’s falling apart. So, the key is to nurture it before it gets to that point.

In short: Love your spouse, love your family, embrace the mess! 🥰

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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at and on the Relevant Radio® app.