The Patrick Madrid Show: September 26, 2024 – Hour 2

Today, with special guest host Cale Clarke, we tackled a compelling issue out of the Diocese of San Diego. They’ve just banned homeschool groups from using parish property, while allowing rentals to non-Catholic schools. With homeschooling on the rise—up 130% in San Diego—it’s causing tension. Should sacramental prep be parish-bound, or can it be home-led?


  • Brianna – Can I be the Maid of Honor for my sister who is not Catholic and is marrying a lapsed Catholic outside of the Church? (01:26)
  • San Diego diocese bans homeschool groups on parish properties (10:07)
  • Elisa – I’m a homeschooling mom. My daughter is 10 years old and has down syndrome and it’s so difficult to enroll he in schools. (22:10)
  • Thomas – This is going to make this school year much more difficult for us (32:28)
  • Joe – Started at a catholic school and had to leave. My wife and I now homeschool. I think there are points on both sides we need to look at. (39:06)
  • Max (11-years-old) – I am home schooled, and I do most of my activities at the church
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.