Why Do We Get Icons, Rosaries, and Religious Items Blessed? (The Patrick Madrid Show)

On The Patrick Madrid Show, Brian from Missoula, Montana, called in and asked: Why do we get religious items, like prayer books or icons, blessed? 

Here’s what Patrick said!

What’s the Purpose of Icons and Religious Images? Patrick explained that icons, Rosaries, crucifixes, and other religious items aren’t magical objects or portals to another dimension—no Stargate situation here! However, they do serve as windows into heavenly things, helping us lift our minds and hearts toward God. Just like grand, beautiful Catholic churches with their stained glass and candles, these images are designed to remind us of the reality of Heaven and the saints who are cheering us on in our spiritual race (Hebrews 11:2).

👼 What Does a Blessing Do? Blessing an object doesn’t give it any magical powers, but it does set it apart for a holy use. When a priest blesses something—like your icon, Rosary, or even your house—it becomes a stronger spiritual reminder of God’s presence. Plus, in the supernatural realm, that blessing acts as a powerful rebuke to evil spirits, reminding them that you are on “Team Jesus” and that they have no place near you! 💪🙌

🙏 Why Have Them Blessed? Though not required, getting your religious items blessed is a great way to further dedicate them (and yourself) to God. Whether it’s the prayer books you use daily or the icon above your TV, these items become more than just decorations—they’re constant reminders of your faith and protection from evil. Think of it as a way to make your spiritual life even more intentional. And if you’re ever tempted to stray, seeing Our Lady or a crucifix staring back at you can be a powerful reality check! 🛑👀

🌟 Sacramentals vs. Sacraments: Sacramentals, like your blessed Bible or Rosary, don’t give us sanctifying grace like the sacraments, but they point us toward the real power of God’s grace. They’re like visual or physical cues that help keep our hearts focused on Jesus.

So, go ahead and get those items blessed! It’s a simple way to bring a little extra spiritual strength into your daily life. ✝️

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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.