Would You Risk Everything for the Truth? Here’s What One Teacher is Facing… (The Patrick Madrid Show)

Alright, picture this: You’re a teacher, and you just found out that you’re not allowed to tell parents if their child is talking about changing their gender. What do you do? Do you break the school’s rules? Do you quit your job and search for something new? Would you stand up for the truth, even if it means getting in trouble?

This is exactly the situation a woman named Jane from IL, called in about on The Patrick Madrid Show. Jane works at a school where young kids are talking about identifying as the opposite gender, but due to the school’s privacy rules, she can’t share these concerns with parents. Now, Jane’s a Catholic, and she’s torn. She’s wondering: what should she do?

Patrick totally gets where she’s coming from and doesn’t hold back. He straight up condemns the school system’s role in this. He calls out those in charge for deceiving parents and putting kids in harm’s way. He tells Jane, if her conscience is on the line, she should seriously think about walking away from the job. Standing up for the truth—even if it costs her everything—would be a heroic move. But hey, Patrick also gets that not everyone can afford to take that step, especially with bills to pay. 🏠

He also has some strong advice for parents: Talk to your kids! Ask them what’s going on at school. Have open conversations, especially when it comes to anything related to gender ideologies. And if you know a teacher like Jane, who’s trying to do the right thing in this tricky situation, support them!

In a world where standing for truth can come at a high cost, what would you do?

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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.