“How Can I Create a Well-Ordered Family Life?” (Marriage Unhindered)

Parenting can be messy and stressful, but it’s oh-so rewarding! Maybe you need some encouragement to recharge your parental plans. Doug Hinderer and business/family expert Connor Gallagher are here for you in this podcast episode of Marriage Unhindered. Get the whole episode here!

You need to check out Conor’s book Well-Ordered Family, which is basically your family life getting the ultimate CEO treatment. Conor’s approach? Take business tactics, like SWOT analysis, SMART goals, and even Jim Collins’ famous BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals).  It’s just a matter of applying them to the way you run your family. He’s talking whiteboards, chore charts, and actual metrics for how often you pray the Family Rosary. 📊

Conor’s qualifications? Oh, just casually being a CEO and running multiple businesses while raising… 16 kids (Yes, SIXTEEN!) with his wife Ashley. If anyone knows the importance of a well-ordered life, it’s this guy.

Here’s the Quick Breakdown of Conor’s Family Management System:

Vision 👀: Have a clear goal for your family, like a mission statement. You need to know where you’re headed.

Unity 💪: Get everyone on board with that vision. Family unity is the key to success.

Systems 🛠: Build both big-picture systems (school, church, environment) and small, daily systems (chores, laundry, meals) to create structure.

Metrics 📈: Yes, that’s right. Start keeping score: track how often you pray, go to confession, or (like Conor) your body fat percentage! This makes sure you stay on track with your goals.

Relationships ❤️: Understanding family personalities and temperaments (cue all those fun personality tests) can help you communicate better and work through conflict.

Discernment 🤔: Make decisions with clarity and be a problem-solving machine. Use tools to make decisions quicker and avoid stress.

Conor talks about how he used to nail it in the business world and then go home feeling like he was on his “C game” with his wife and kids. Sound familiar? 🙋‍♂️ He realized he needed to bring his A-game from the office into his family life. His first move? A chore chart, whiteboard style, because even the dishes needed some efficiency.

It’s true; we often track everything at work but never think to apply it at home.

The Big Takeaway? Treat your family life with the same attention and dedication you give your career or business. It’s about using both prayer and practical tools to create a more ordered, joyful, and unified family life.

And hey, if Conor and his wife can do this with 16 kids, there’s hope for all of us! 😅

Ready to supercharge your family life? Give these strategies a go and thank us later!

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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.