What Should I Know About the Cass Report on Gender? (Trending with Timmerie)

So, Timmerie’s talking all about the Cass Report: you know, that massive study from the UK that’s got everyone rethinking the benefit of gender transitions for kids. She brings on Dr. Theresa Farnan, who’s a moral philosopher and all-around expert on this stuff, to explain it for us. You can hear the extended conversation!

🎯 The Big Deal:

The Cass Report is 366 pages of hardcore data that says, basically: there’s NO benefit to transitioning kids: none! Whether it’s puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, or full-on surgeries, this report shows it’s not helping minors and, in fact, could be doing some serious harm. This study is based on a four-year, international review. It’s the real deal.

What’s the Drama in the UK?

Doctors in the UK are fuming. Their medical leadership came out in support of transitioning, but a bunch of doctors said, “Nope!” and even quit over it. The review showed that these gender clinics were a mess, and kids weren’t thriving; they were actually doing worse.

🔍 Key Findings

Long-term follow-up: In the UK, they track people’s health long-term, so they saw how bad things got. Kids who were transitioned weren’t just unhappy; they were struggling even more.

Kiera Bell’s lawsuit: Kiera, a detransitioner, sued after having a double mastectomy as a minor. She basically said, “I needed mental health support, not surgery.” 🔥 Even though she lost her case, her bravery triggered this whole review.

Kids are falling behind: When kids go on puberty blockers, they don’t just delay puberty; they’re left behind developmentally, socially, even intellectually. One study showed a kid’s IQ dropped after being put on blockers. Yeah, no one’s talking about that!

No evidence, all harm: The report found zero proof that transitioning helps kids. And get this: they called social transitioning (like letting kids live as the opposite gender) a “psychosocial intervention” – fancy talk for saying it’s messing with their heads.

🌍 Why is the US So Behind?

While other countries like the UK are saying “enough is enough” with these gender transitions, the US is still lagging. Timmerie and Dr. Farnan point out that we’re just not keeping up with the latest data, and it’s hurting kids.

Dr. Farnan says that the Cass Report is the new gold standard for showing how dangerous and misguided these treatments can be. It’s not just a moral argument: the science backs it up, too. 🙏

🔥 TL;DR: The Cass Report from the UK is telling us what we’ve been worried about: transitioning kids is not the answer, and it’s making things worse. Other countries are catching on, but the US? Still playing catch-up. If you want to know the truth about this issue, this report is a must-read!

Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.