“Should I Be Concerned About Doomsday?”: The Real Facts About Revelation (Father Simon Says)

Okay, let’s cut straight to it: Are we supposed to freak out about the Book of Revelation and Doomsday? NOPE. Here’s Fr. Simon’s take:

📖 Revelation Is NOT Your Doomsday Calendar

We start reading Revelation toward the end of the liturgical year, which makes sense: it’s about ends. Father quickly squashes the idea that we should grab a calculator to figure out when the apocalypse is coming. Trust God, not YouTube conspiracy theories. Jesus said, “I’ve told you these things so that when they happen, you’ll trust.” Not panic.

🚫 No Exact Dates in Scripture (Except for Two!)

Fr. Simon shares this: Only two times in history did heaven give us an exact date:

The Resurrection (3 days, as Jesus promised).

Fatima’s Miracle of the Sun (October 13, 1917).

Other than that? Nope. Nada. Even the legit mystics who try to pin down dates usually get it wrong. (Fr. Simon hilariously recalls a mystic predicting her death at 52…she lived to 72. Math is hard. 😜)

🦗 Giant Grasshoppers or…Metal Munching Moon Mice?

Revelation is full of wild imagery: think giant locusts with steel teeth. The point isn’t to take it literally but to realize: “When it happens, you’ll understand.” So, stop trying to map it all out now.

🕊️ St. Paul’s Advice? Relax.

St. Paul (2 Thessalonians 2) gave us clear advice: “Don’t be alarmed.” There’s no secret letter, no hidden prophecy saying it’s all going down next Thursday. God’s not playing games with us. Fr. Simon echoes this: Keep calm, stay faithful, and stop forwarding those apocalypse rumors in the group chat. 🙄

Want to Understand Revelation? Think Mass.

The best take on Revelation, according to Fr. Simon? Scott Hahn’s The Lamb’s Supper. The Book of Revelation isn’t about calculating “the end.” It’s about the heavenly liturgy: the eternal wedding banquet between Christ (the Bridegroom) and His Church (the Bride). It’s not scary; it’s beautiful.

Fun fact: Apocalypse literally means “unveiling,” like lifting the bride’s veil. So yeah, Revelation is less about explosions and more about eternal love. 💍

🌍 What Does It All Mean for Us?

Don’t Obsess Over Timetables.

If someone says, “2028 is the year of tribulation!” … They don’t know.

It’s About Trust.

When things happen… good or bad, God wants us to say, “Ah, that’s what You meant.” Revelation is a guide to deepen our faith, not to fuel fear.

It’s Also About Now.

Father explains that Revelation has layers:

Your personal spiritual journey.

The Church’s mission on earth.

The eventual end of time.

Each layer speaks to us here and now. Ask God: “What are You revealing to me today?”

🕊️ Final Word from Father Simon:

Take a deep breath. God’s got this. When He decides it’s time to wrap up the story, we’ll know. Until then? Live faithfully, trust deeply, and maybe read The Lamb’s Supper instead of panicking about steel-toothed locusts. 🦗😅

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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.