Babies Are a Blessing, Not a Burden (Special Podcast Highlight)

Okay, we need to talk. Because somewhere along the way, our culture got really messed up about motherhood and babies. Instead of celebrating new life, we act like kids are a problem to be solved. Timmerie shares her thoughts in this episode of Trending with Timmerie, and trust us: you’ll want to hear this.

The Pressure Is Real… And It’s Everywhere

Women today are basically bombarded with messages telling them that having kids is a mistake. From social media to movies, from coworkers to family members, the message is clear:

Don’t have kids too soon.

Don’t have too many.

Don’t talk about wanting them too much.

And if you do have one… hurry up and get back to “real life.”

Even miscarriage grief is dismissed. Women are told, “Well, at least it was early,” or “It wasn’t the right time.” And if you struggle with infertility? Society calls it “lucky.”

Meanwhile, statistics show that 7 out of 10 women who have abortions feel pressured into it: by boyfriends, parents, the culture, or even their own fear. This isn’t “freedom.” It’s a crisis of a world that no longer values motherhood.

Babies Are Good. Motherhood Is Good. Period.

Timmerie makes a powerful point: being truly pro-life isn’t just about opposing abortion: it’s aboutcelebrating and promoting motherhood before it even begins. That starts with:

Encouraging little girls to love babies (yes, even by letting them play with baby dolls!)

Helping teens and young women see motherhood as agift, not an obstacle

Supporting moms

Building a culture where big families areadmired, not shamed

We’ve reached a point where three kids is considered excessive. (What?!) Timmerie is so excited to give birth to her third child, and she can’t believe that people actually telling her, “Oh, this is your last one, right?” before she’s even given birth. Since when did multiplying mean stopping at two?!

Let’s Flip the Script on Our Culture

Want to really change the world? Start celebrating babies. Timmerie shares beautiful moments where total strangers: teen girls, single women, even fellow travelers on airplanes… light up when they see a baby. Theywant to hold them. They ache for that joy.

Society stifles that. Instead of encouraging women to embrace their maternal instincts, we hear:

“You’re too smart to be ‘just’ a mom.”

Your career is more important.”

“Your kid doesn’t really need you: daycare will raise them just fine.”

Lies. Lies. Lies.

The truth? Kids thrive when their parents are present. Families grow stronger when they embrace life. And women were made for this. Not because they have to be moms: but because motherhood is one of the most beautiful, powerful, and world-changing things we can do.

So, What Can We Do?

Support and encourage moms

Push back on anti-family comments (“Oh, your hands must be full!” → “Yep! Full of joy!”)

Let young women know that it’sokay to love babies and dream of motherhood

Help women struggling with infertility; don’t dismiss their pain

Keep celebratinglife: whether it’s a pregnancy, a new baby, or a baptism

The bottom line? Babies are a BLESSING. Motherhood is beautiful. We need to start acting like it.

What do you think? Have you ever felt the subtle pressure to have fewer kids… or none at all?

Timmerie works as a radio host and Catholic speaker educating in areas of theology and is an expert at responding to current trends of sexuality, feminism, and gender ideology. She hosts Trending with Timmerie on Relevant Radio. She holds a Masters Degree in Biblical Theology and Bachelor’s Degree in Communications Media with an emphasis in the New Evangelization from John Paul the Great Catholic University.