Daybreak for January 14, 2025

  • Tuesday of the First Week in Ordinary Time
  • Saint of the Day: St. Felix of Nola; lived in the Third Century, born in Nola, near Naples, Italy; on the death of his father, Felix distributed his inheritance to the poor, was ordained byBishopSt. Maximus of Nola, and became his assistant; Maximus fled to the desert at the beginning of persecutions in 250, and Felix was seized and imprisoned in his stead; released by an angel, who directed him to the ailing Maximus, whom he brought back to Nola; Felix spent the rest of hislifeon a small piece of land sharing what he had with the poor, and died there on January 14, 255
  • Office of Readings and Morning Prayer for 1/14/25
  • Gospel: Mark 1:21-28