How Can We Work Towards Christian Unity? (Morning Air)

This episode of Morning Air explores the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Jan 18–25), and wow, it’s a beautiful reminder of our shared mission as Christians. John Morales and Fr. James Kubicki talked about this with passion and practicality, making it clear why this week is such a big deal.

So, What’s the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity?

Think of it as a spiritual family reunion where Catholics, Orthodox, Lutherans, Baptists, Pentecostals, and other Christians come together to pray for what Jesus himself wanted: that we all may be one (John 17:21). It’s been a thing since the late 1800s, when Pope Leo XIII encouraged Christians to set aside eight days: an “octave”—to pray for unity. It kicks off on Jan 18 (formerly the Feast of St. Peter’s Chair) and wraps on Jan 25 with the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul.

And this year’s theme? “Do you believe this?” (John 11:26). 💬

Why Does Christian Unity Matter?

Fr. Kubicki shared these reflection points:

The world is watching us, Christians, and let’s be real: our divisions are not a great look. People might think, “If Christians can’t get along, how can we expect peace anywhere else?”

Unity is more than just “let’s all be nice.” It’s about being a visible sign of God’s grace to the world. Without prayer and God’s help, this kind of unity is impossible. But with grace? Totally doable! 🙏✨

As Christians, we’ve got a responsibility to reflect God’s love by praying and working for unity. It’s not optional, family; it’s essential.

A Bit of History

The roots of this week are fascinating! It started in 1909 with an Episcopalian priest, Fr. Paul Watson, and a nun, Mother Lurana White, who were inspired by St. Francis and wanted to work toward Christian unity. They even founded an order (the Franciscans of the Atonement). But they didn’t just talk about unity; they went all in and became Catholic! 🕊️💪

They chose Jan 18–25 for this prayer octave intentionally:

Jan 18: The Feast of St. Peter’s Chair (representing his authority as the first pope).

Jan 25: The Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul (beloved by all Christians).

It’s a week that’s as Catholic as it gets while also being welcoming to all Christians. Genius, right?

Some Cool Unity Moments in History 🕊️

In 1965, Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras (leader of the Eastern Orthodox Church) met and lifted their mutual excommunications after almost 1,000 years of separation.

St. John Paul II called the Catholic and Orthodox Churches the “two lungs” of Christianity: meant to breathe together. 🫁✝️

Fr. Kubicki also reminded us how much we have in common with the Orthodox, like our devotion to Mary. 🙌 That’s why he recommends praying the Angelus during this week; it’s a powerful way to ask Our Lady to help us work toward unity.

What About Other Christians?

Fr. Kubicki and John Morales touched on our relationships with Protestants and evangelicals, too:

Evangelicals and Catholics are teaming up for major causes like the pro-life movement. 🙏🍼 The March for Life in Washington, D.C., is a powerful example of Christians standing together for the sanctity of human life.

These shared missions (like protecting life and religious freedom) are great starting points for deeper unity.

How Can YOU Get Involved?

Here’s what Fr. Kubicki suggests:

Pray for unity daily. If you don’t already pray the Angelus, this week is the perfect time to start. (Set a reminder for noon!)

Be intentional about unity. Ask yourself: How am I helping to heal division among Christians?

Final Thought: Unity = Heaven on Earth

So, let’s take Jesus’ prayer seriously this week: “Father, may they be one as you and I are one.” Let’s pray, let’s love, and let’s work together. 💒🕊️

Amen? Amen.

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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at and on the Relevant Radio® app.