Praying with Scripture – The Inner Life – January 27, 2025

Fr. James Kubicki joins Patrick to discuss Praying with Scripture

  • (3:43) what are methods people use to pray with the Scripture?
  • What is the Divine Office?

(17:43) Break 1

  • What are the guidelines for reading the bible?
  • Brian – My practice of readings and writings and how I do it myself. I’ve kept them in a shoe box and aspire to organize them someday.
  • (28:56) Jeff – Over the years, I’ve heard what you’re talking about. Start with the Gospels. I’ve done that. What am I to gain, What am I supposed to learn? From there, where do you go?

(38:40) Break 2

  • Maria – Could you explain the 4-week cycle in the office? I know older Catholics that bring a Missal to Mass. How is that used. I’d like to try and use one.
  • What are more ways Pope Benedict helps us with praying with scripture?
  • (46:14) Bonnie – What has helped me with absorbing scripture, is watching The Chosen. It’s bringing it to life for me.
Patrick Conley was born, raised, and baptized in Wisconsin in a Protestant tradition. After meeting his wife, Kendra, through an Evangelical ministry at the University of Minnesota, they entered the Catholic Church in 2010. They listened to Relevant Radio, specifically The Inner Life, while preparing to enter the Church. Conley now holds a degree in theology from Oxford University and has served the Church in both academic theology and grassroots pastoral ministry. Conley teaches religion classes in a Catholic elementary school, serves as his parish Director of Religious Education, and is in formation for the permanent diaconate. He also hosts Practicing Catholic on Relevant Radio, exclusive to the Minneapolis area’s airwaves, and is a traveling presenter for the Catherine of Siena Institute apostolate. He lives in rural Wisconsin with his wife and their bulldogs, Georgie and Bingley.