The Patrick Madrid Show: January 15, 2025 – Hour 3

Patrick responds to an email about removing life support

Ken – You mentioned that a priest should wear a stole during confession. Is a confession valid if they do not? (06:51)

What are the Valid forms of matter for the sacraments? (09:59)

Mike – My sister is fallen away Catholic. Is there an Audio Book you could recommend for her to listen to? She cites Luke 9: 49-50 this as a source that Jesus didn’t care what type of Christian you were. How do I respond? (15:42)

Grace – Is there something called a “Dry Mass?”

Mark – Can someone go to mass twice a day on a regular basis to receive Jesus twice? (25:59)

Patrick – I am struggling with sin and have been trying to go to confession weekly. Last week I felt really distant but after confession I felt like it pulled me back. (27:44)

Roger – I have only made one confession in my 40 years of being a Catholic. Should I set up a time to have confession with a priest or just go at the normal time and stand in line? (32:54)

Teresa – Is there a limit to how many people can be announced for the mass intentions? (38:47)

Anna – Are spouses living in sin if their marriage should be annulled? (43:05)

Dan – How should I read the Bible? (46:40)

Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.