The Patrick Madrid Show: January 17, 2025-Hour 2

Patrick takes a number of calls regarding immigration ranging from if consulates are closed, to separating families and about a statute of limitations analogy with illegal immigration. Also Patrick played some audio from several years ago from Hilary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi talking about illegal immigration.

Joe-Says that American consulates are closed and if you want to apply for a visa (1:07)

Jose-He came here illegally and explains that it is hard for people to come here legally (12:21)

Patrick expands on a caller about the Come Holy Spirit prayer as he talks about Psalm 104 (20:30)

Patrick plays different clips from Hilary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi talking about the borders and illegal immigration that sound conservative (24:03)

Delores- I am a teacher and really feel that we need to have some leeway. I have children whose parents were deported. this will separate families. (31:03)

Patrick makes an analogy between illegal immigration and embezzling money from your company and a statute of limitations (38:37)

Mary-The difficulties of becoming a legal resident as her husband came here illegally. (43:24)

Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.