The Patrick Madrid Show: January 29, 2025 – Hour 3

Patrick addresses some pressing issues as he talks about tough love and intervention for a young man struggling with addiction, explores end-of-life decisions within Catholic teaching, and tackles the sensitive subject of family planning when spouses disagree. With expert advice and heartfelt stories, this episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking guidance on these challenging topics.

  • Jamie – Our son left and is involved with drugs. He’s back home now. How do I guide him and light a fire under him to get off drugs and to get a job? (00:52)
  • Lucia – Is it a sin for a person to stop dialysis? (11:56)
  • Email – Why did I have to wait on hold so long when I called into your show? (14:37)
  • Dietrich (email) – I heard you talk about making a T-shirt that says, “I’m Praying Right Now”. I have a small Print on Demand T-shirt business on Etsy that I work on the side. So, in honor of you, I made a few different designs with that quote (19:02)
  • Christiana – How can I talk to my husband about being open to life while also being respectful to my husband’s decision. (21:46)
  • Robert – Was there a time at which the universe did not exist? (42:31)
  • James – My best friend’s brother had a drug problem and did a similar program as the one you recommended. It completely transformed his life. (46:24)
  • Alice (email) – Thank you for mentioning Comunità Cenacolo often. We were blessed to have our daughter spend 6.5 years in the Comunità Cenacolo (49:04)
  • Maria – If a person marries someone not open to life, is marriage invalid? (50:11)
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.