The Patrick Madrid Show: January 31, 2025 – Hour 3

Patrick explores the importance of staying true to faith and the struggles many face in today’s world. Patrick shares powerful personal stories from callers across the nation, discusses the impact of tradition versus modernity, and examines the historical context of the Catholic Church’s teachings. He tackles tough questions from why the Church appears silent on major issues to the role of deacons and even female deacons. Tune in to The Patrick Madrid Show for more compelling insights and stay encouraged!

  • Mike – Why didn’t the Catholic Church speak up more about the LGBTQ pastor? (00:30)
  • John – What do you think of a Deacon being an acolyte? (18:55)
  • Dorothy – I find it hard to believe that you will go to hell if you leave Church. (25:52)
  • Jean – Are female deacons ok? Is that in the Bible? (39:59)
  • Carla – My 14-year-old is hiding things and lying. How can I teach my daughter about honesty through the Church’s viewpoint? (45:11)
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.