Working together for a great marriage

Doug answers listener emails and calls, giving advice on a variety of topics ranging from divorce and defects in marriage to working on having an overall stronger marriage. Doug encourages those in troubled marriages to focus on the positive aspects of their marriage and to use therapy to help fix what they cannot fix on their own.

Listener calls:

  • Joseph – I have been married for 35 years and things have gone from bad to worse. I walked out on my wife on Christmas Day. Should I continue to try or not?
  • Stephanie – My husband helps out but puts the responsibility for getting to Church with the kids all on me. What should I do?
  • Joseph – I want to talk to my wife about receiving unsolicited advice from family members. What should I do?
  • Julie – Could Stephanie explain to her husband how helpful her husband has been while asking him for help.


What’s more important to you?

Marriage Unhindered

Happy Marriage for Life

Catholic Therapists