The Patrick Madrid Show: February 04, 2025 – Hour 1

Laura calls in from Indianapolis with a heartfelt inquiry about the nuances of convalidation in the Catholic Church. As she approaches the final stages with her husband, Patrick explores the role of the Old Catholic Church and its distinction from the Roman Catholic Church. Patrick discusses the importance of thorough processes in Catholic sacramental life and celebrates her husband’s participation in OCIA.

  • Quantum mechanics breakthrough: light in 37 dimensions (2:22)
  • Laura – What is the Old Catholic Church? (15:03)
  • Michael (email) – How should Catholics view violent sports or dangerous activities for the sake of entertainment? (27:39)
  • Patrick reads and responds to an email from Heather (38:48)
  • Chrystal (email) – I know someone who doesn’t follow Christ that has a tough life. How can I help him? (44:07)
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.