Are You Looking for Peace and Patience? (Trending with Timmerie)

Life can be stressful, and maybe you feel like you’re at the end of your rope. Now is the time to lean on help from the Holy Spirit!

Timmerie shared some solid wisdom about the Fruits of the Holy Spirit, specifically Peace and Patience, and she talked about why these two are vital if you want to keep your sanity and grow in holiness.

Timmere’s Take on Peace:

-What It Is: Peace is way more than just stress relief. It’s this deep sense of security in God.

-Fr. Robert Spitzer’s Definition: He describes it as feeling truly “at home,” which makes sense because, in God, we’re back where we belong.

-The Problem: Our culture is all about being out of kilter: identity crises, constant distractions, and relationships that are out of whack. No wonder we’re restless!

-The Solution: Peace comes from trusting God and growing closer to Him. Prayer, the sacraments, staying in a state of grace… all those basics matter. Timmerie reminds you that this peace is a gift of the Holy Spirit, so don’t be shy about straight-up asking God for it.


-The Dangerous Gift: Ever pray for patience and suddenly everyone’s cutting you off in traffic and every store line is like a mile long? Yep, God answers by giving you opportunities to practice patience.

-What It Actually Is: Patience is about not losing your cool when life feels unfair. It’s mercy and compassion for both others and yourself.

-St. Thomas Aquinas’ Wisdom: True patience isn’t just surviving annoyances; it’s staying unbothered by them. It’s like building resilience against suffering and not letting it mess up your commitment to virtue.

-Freedom in Patience: Timmerie points out that patience makes us free because it helps us stay grounded in doing what’s right, even when life feels like one big dumpster fire.

-Connection to Charity: Patience and love go together. The more you love God and others, the easier it is to be patient.

📌Takeaway Tips:

-Pray for these gifts: they’re from the Holy Spirit… not a DIY project.

-Lean into the sacraments and keep your prayer life strong.

-Keep perspective: What we see as evil or annoying might just be an opportunity to grow.

-Love first; patience will follow.

Now, go forth and practice being peaceful and patient; just, you know, try not to lose it if your coffee order’s wrong today. ☕😆

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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at and on the Relevant Radio® app.