Run to the Confessional! Jesus is Waiting to Lift You Up (The Inner Life with Patrick Conley)

In this episode of The Inner Life, Patrick Conley and Fr. Eric Nielsen encourage you to remember the beauty and healing power of Reconciliation. Seriously, if it’s been a while since you’ve gone to confession, Lent is a perfect time to come back.

Fr. Eric talks about how confession is aboutrenewing our relationship with God. He wants to give you the gift of His real, soul-deep, heart-lifting grace. 🙏

🧐 So… Why Confess to a Priest?

Fr. Eric takes on the classic question: Can’t I just talk to God directly? Father reminds you that the priest is there in the person of Christ (📖 John 20:23). You’re being given the divine guarantee of mercy, and you don’t have to question if you’re truly forgiven. Plus, the grace you receive isn’t just about feeling better; it’s aboutactually transforming you so you can break free from sin.

🎤 Caller Highlights:

-James from California: He shares a powerful story about his friend who wandered away from the Catholic Church and tried out Protestant churches for years. He just couldn’t find that same freedom from sin until he came back to confession. 🔥 Oh, and James asks why we call it sometimes call this sacrament “confession” instead of “Reconciliation.” Fr. Eric explains that even though the official name is the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the act of confession is central to the process.

-Barbara from Arizona: Her son was battling addiction and felt too ashamed to even consider confession. When he finally went, it was like a weight lifted off his soul. He walked out of there like a brand-new person. 💪 Total proof of how powerful this sacrament is.

If you’re hoping that a loved one will go to confession,Fr. Eric encourages you to fast and pray for them. Yeah, fasting. 🍞💧 It’s like spiritual dynamite for softening hearts and bringing people back to Jesus.

Feeling stuck in sin? Overwhelmed by guilt? Jesus is just waiting to pour out grace on you. 🙌💙

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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at and on the Relevant Radio® app.