The Silent Destroyer: Exposing the Harmful Sin of Pornography (The Inner Life with Patrick Conley)

Patrick Conley talks with Fr. Allen Hoffa about one of the most rampant yet often overlooked spiritual dangers: pornography. This topic can be tough to talk about, but Fr. Hoffa doesn’t hold back. He breaks down how pornography isn’t just a “private” sin or harmless indulgence; it’s a widespread, destructive force affecting individuals, relationships, and society at large.


You can listen to the entire episode here. Keep in mind that while this is in important conversation, not all the material discussed will be suitable for impressionable ears. Use discernment about who might hear this content. 


🧠 The Brain on Porn: Father Hoffa compares the effect of porn to a drug: triggering chemical reactions in the brain that mess with how we relate to others. It’s addictive. It rewires our brains and, sadly, breaks down genuine intimacy. The scary part? It doesn’t just impact our spiritual lives, but also physically and emotionally damages our ability to connect with others, especially in marriage.


Impact on Families: Pornography kills intimacy. It’s leading to lower marriage rates and even contributing to the rise of divorce. Many might think they can keep it a “personal” struggle, but the effects ripple out: damaging relationships with spouses, friends, and even our own self-worth. Porn encourages us to use others as objects, making it the opposite of what true love and chastity are about. 💔


🔥 “But it’s not hurting anyone!”: Wrong. Father Hoffa debunks the myth that porn is a victimless sin. It affects how we view and treat others, both consciously and unconsciously. He reminds us that every image and video represents real people being objectified. We’re all children of God, not commodities for consumption.


🚨 A Public Crisis: Society is slowly waking up to how bad things have gotten. Father mentions that some countries are even banning porn because it’s been linked to declining birth rates and other societal problems. It’s a public health crisis, not just a private battle! 


Fr. Hoffa also makes a powerful comparison: Just as we eventually had to label cigarettes as dangerous to our health, we need to start sounding the alarm about pornography’s dangers. The longer we stay silent, the more people get trapped in this vicious cycle of shame, isolation, and addiction.


Porn isn’t just something to “manage”; it’s something to fight. With the help of God’s grace, we can break free from its chains and reclaim our dignity and relationships. Let’s expose it for what it really is and not shy away from the conversation. 💪✝️


Stay strong, friends. 💙 If you’re struggling, keep going to the Sacrament of Reconciliation, pray the Rosary every day, consider therapy, and have an accountability partner. You are not alone in this battle for your soul. 




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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at and on the Relevant Radio® app.